Saturday, July 10, 2010

Oh my gosh, it is finally raining! What to do now???

I know that this is not an unusual event, or welcome to some, but for us, it is so badly needed. Our garden is smiling, my flowers are smiling and for the first time in a while, I am not outside watering my plants - it is too early in the summer for everything to die or go dormant.

Working on my never ending list of things I WANT to do, which is always overshadowed by those things that I NEED to do, the numbers are growing and time is getting shorter...for you see, I am a school teacher and my summer ends in about 4 more weeks. That is a bummer. My daughter is finally old enough and has interest in my craftiness too, which is always a plus. I love spending time with my children and sharing my ideas and interests, and of course it validates my cause and she is pretty good too! :)

Some things I WANT to do..

  1. Make my Christmas cards and gift tags for the upcoming holiday season, by BFF loaned me some of her stamping goodies and I have plenty of my own...just got to do it!  I always hate the thought of pulling out all of my craft stuff, which can take hours to set up and organize, only to have an hour or two to create...
  2. I have sewing projects to work on, Girl Scout badges to sew on, repairs to make, and ideas to try..
  3. Weed my flower beds and turn them into an outdoor oasis..did I mention that I am violently allergic to poison ivy?
  4. Clean out and organize my craft room, which somehow always ends up as everyone else's junk room. Don't know where to put it? Put it in mom's "office"! 

My BFF also shared this website with my recently, which I love! If you ever need a kick in the pants to get motivated or ideas of things that you can make and do with all of the paper, fabric and other crafty "have to haves" - this is the place! I love it! (Did I say that already?) There are lots of others, but this in one that I enjoy browsing through regularly.

I need to work on the never ending vacuum cleaner died this week, a proper burial is planned. Hopefully a new one will arrive today. I need to wash down my cabinets and woodwork and clean out the clutter.

I think in my never ending quest to SIMPLIFY my life, i am going to organize and plan my very first yard sale. Wish me luck. I have never had much patience for such, but the piles are growing and I hate to just give it all away. I think I should at least try to recoup some of my losses..I mean everyone needs power rangers with only one arm, Ken dolls with no clothes and 47 pairs of cleats in every size from children's 11 to youth 4, right? Two kids playing sports requires a lot of gear, most of which they can only wear for one season before they have outgrown it..

I have finished my latte and I need to get on with my day...